Welcome home party Mavericks Win

Welcome home party-Mavericks Win Feb 2010

After the whirlwind evening of the Mavericks win and partying all night, I got a flight out in the morning to fly back home for work!

While on the way home my brothers and girlfriend organised a welcome home crew to meet me at the airport, unbeknown to me…

On arriving back at Cape Town International, I was blown away by the crew that was there to greet me to celebrate my win and welcome me back home…As I came through the opening gates there was my brother Conn, popping a bottle of champaigne and Greg celebrating and filming the whole thing, as some of the Cape Town big wave crew, friends and family were there to greet me, with cheers and woops, cheer, stoke, smiles and laughter.

There were banners, printed T-shirts with my pic on them, my pet was there in a Mavericks T shirt, there were cameras, Jeff Aylif from Cape Talk and other media people, there was champaigne, lots of stoked friends, smiles and many happy faces celebrating my success.

I owe this all to my brothers and my girfriend who were amazing and organized so much for me, in such a short space of time.

They were incredible and to arrive home to such a welcome was amazing and something I will remember for the rest of my days.

Thanks everyone involved it was a truly special day that I will remember for the rest of my life…Thanks guys, I appreciate it more than you know!

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